Thought of the week

Are you a thinker? well I guess most people are , its just some of us tend to think deeper than others. Like me for instance my thoughts tend to always drift to the conspiracy side of things, how about you do you have thoughts you would like to share, if you have a thought you can send it to me here your thought will then be submitted toTHOUGHT OF THE WEEK and posted on this Blog. Your thought will also be posted on our website the thought that recieves the most comments for that week will be addaed to addathoughts  TOP THOUGHTS PAGE.

if you would like to comment on a thought, just quote the relevant number first.

  1. I wonder did we really land on the Moon?
  2. I wonder how I will arrive at the prom?
  3. I thought an orb was a living form of intelligence that lives inside the human body like a parasite?
  4. I thought I invented the voice to text phone?
  5. I thought I could get a free website and make loads of money?
  6. I thought that there was something more up a scot man’s kilt?
  7. I thought the chicken came before the egg?

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5 Responses to Thought of the week

  1. twinhull1 says:

    1 Well if we did Land on the moon How did the moon buggy get there.

  2. twinhull1 says:

    I thought the chicken came before the egg?
    so where did the chicken come from

  3. twinhull1 says:

    I thought an orb was a living form of intelligence that lives inside the human body like a parasite?

    I thought an orb was a soul

  4. twinhull1 says:

    I wonder how I will arrive at the prom?

    I thought a camel would be a novel way to arrive at the prom

  5. twinhull1 says:

    I thought I invented the voice to text phone?

    voice to text phone what a great idea